
Our fees and costs are paid by the insurance company when we obtain a DBA settlement for you

We are committed to helping injured workers everywhere in the World who were injured working under a contract with an American company. In performing this life mission, we are constantly listening to the needs of our clients. We seek ways to upgrade our services to them and put legal services and knowledge at their fingertips.
Let us make it clear: Our fees and costs are contingent on obtaining a settlement for our DBA clients. We do not have a client pay our costs. When we win a settlement it will include having the insurance company pay our fees and costs.
We also take into consideration that when a DBA client living outside of America makes a claim for benefits, it will most likely be denied. This means the injured worker has to go to the expense of paying for his own medical treatment. Generally the more medical treatment you receive, the larger the settlement. When you live outside of the USA, your DBA case will be denied because frankly the insurance company cannot find and pay doctors in different countries and currencies to treat you.
So you will pay for your own treatment and let us seek reimbursement of those expenses for you. We know that you having to pay for your medical care, can be a hindrance to treatment but we also know you as an injured person can go to your local hospital for a reasonable sum. That visit will document your injuries provided you give a history of your work for the American contractor and how you were injured doing that work. Please get a copy of those records so you can send them to us.
If you believe you have lost hearing in one or both ears due to your work, get a hearing test and ask for a copy of the results of that testing. We need your medical records to file for your benefits. Together we can work toward a fair settlement for you. This law firm fights to put settlement funds in your hands as fast as possible. We must have your records translated into English and filed with the proper Court. Only after your injuries are properly documented along with the dates of your employment will your case be ready for a settlement.
When you injured different body parts on different dates these require that separate claims be filed under the different dates of accident. Each body part needs a medical treatment record. As an example, if you hurt your foot in 2015, go see a doctor and let him know what pain or problem that foot is giving you.
What if you settled your right to shoulder treatment? If you already settled your right to shoulder treatment you cannot make any further claim for that body part as a result of the past employment under which you settled.

You can file a claim for another body part that was injured but not any further claim for the shoulder under our example.
We try to explain in simple terms how your case will proceed because your cooperation is needed. Your Deposition which is simply you testifying under oath may need to be taken and we prepare you for that and we are with you when you testify either in person or by telephone. We will object to questions that are improper.
Our work requires that we adapt, improvise and overcome as our paralegal, Carlos Gianos constantly reminds us. We are up for the challenge and look forward to serving our DBA clients everywhere in the world.
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