Florida has experienced the tremendous loss associated with the Parkland shooting which is now among the 10 deadliest mass shootings in America. It is time for us to come together and implement change so these mass shootings stop. Many people are coming up with ideas. I have been encouraged by…
Florida Injury Attorneys Blog
Longshore Benefits for Injuries or Death on Tow Boats
Longshore benefits are available to workers injured on recreational yachts over 65 feet and to those working on towboats or tugboats of any size per 33 USC 902 which is the Longshore statute. When the injury occurs on such a maritime vehicle, the questions are 1. what benefits are available…
Pedestrian Knockdown Settlements in Florida
Tourists, visitors to Florida, and city pedestrians: Please realize there is a high incidence of pedestrians knockdown accidents and bicyclists being struck by cars in Florida. As a City, Fort Lauderdale is ranked last in terms of safety. These are reasons to look all ways and be super careful when crossing a…
Lesiono mientras trabajaba en el extranjero en el extranjero
Si usted se lesiono mientras trabajaba en el extranjero para un contratista estado unidense, lo primero que debe hacer es reportar su lesion y presentar un formulario LS-203 con prueba de que lo notifico a su empleador DBA. Es una buena idea enviar dicha notificacion por correo electronico al ajustador y tambien al mismo tiempo mandarse una copia ha usted mismo, para que posea prueba del envío. Asegurase de enviarnos un mensaje de texto a 1-754-317-2823 para una consulta gratuita especialmente si usted esta teniendo problemas psiquiátricos despues de ser estacionada en una zona de guerra. Es muy importante…
DBA Claims with Third Party Liability
While rare, an attorney should always consider the viability of pursuing a third-party claim where a DBA injury is due to the negligence of a third-party other than your employer. This is allowed under 33 U.S.C. Section 933 (a) but has a strict requirement of notification under subsection (g)Compromise obtained by…
DBA Informacion sobre la veracidad en su caso
Ganar un caso de DBA es fácil, cuando se lo hace honestamente. Una vez que usted muestre el 1% de la causa de su lesion en el extranjero puede recuperar el 100% de su tratamiento medico. La Seccion 20a le da una presuncion de compensabilidad sobre las causas cuando usted establece que usted fue lesionado y la lesion ocurrio en el extranjero. Y ciertamente si usted es honesto, recibirá probablemente los beneficios medicos los salarios que se han perdido por un periodo de tiempo. Llegara un momento en que la compania de seguros llevara a cabo una encuesta de mercado de trabajo para mostrarle que hay puestos de trabajo disponibles que usted puede desempenar. Cuando se reune con el representante de la compania de seguros que lleva a cabo la encuesta de mercado de trabajo, por favor, entienda que debe ser totalmente honesto acerca de la informacion sobre sus trabajos anteriores, incluso revelando cuando se le despidio. Tambien debe responder con sinceridad si tiene alguna condena…
So if you are injured working overseas for an American Contractor, the first thing you do is report your injury and file an LS-203 form with proof you served it on your DBA employer. It is a good idea to email the adjuster as well and copy yourself so you…
Causation and Truthfulness in Your DBA Case
The good news is winning a DBA case on causation is fairly easy. Once you show 1% of the cause of your injury is due to being overseas you can recover 100% of your medical treatment. Section 20a gives you a presumption of compensability on causation where you establish that you…
Obtaining a Large Settlement Under the Defense Base Act
To obtain a large settlement under the Defense Base Act, it is easiest to start by receiving medical benefits under the Defense Base Act. First, file a LS-203 which is essentially your claim for compensation benefits from your Employer and their insurance carrier. Then, once the employer turns in the…
Statute of Limitations on Longshore and Defense Base Act Claims (DBA)
How long does an injured longshoreman or civilian contractor have to file a claim under the Longshore or Defense Base Act? The answer, in most instances, is one (1) year from the date of the injury. What happens if you are paid compensation and your employer terminates the payments? You…