

My last blog post explained that in order to bring a claim under the US VSST act there must have been a death that occurred in the attack. The case requiring this was Borochov. That finding was affirmed on appeal. This means that the only way of changing this result is to have the legislature change the language of the statute. Work is being done to achieve that result.

Bringing a claim also requires proof that Iran was behind the attack.

For Instance in the attack on February 15, 2021 at the Erbil  airbase we know that a DBA contractor died so this meets the requirement of an extra judicial death in the attack as required by Borochov case.

The Next question you may ask is how will we prove the attack was sponsored by Iran? We will use the findings in the government websites that identify the perpetrators behind the attack and show Iran’s involvement in the attack.

In the case of the February 15, 2021 attack , we have several government websites that point to the involvement of Iran.

In this attack on February 15, 2021,  at Erbil air base, Saraya Awliya Al-Dam (SAD) a/k/a guardians of blood brigades initially claimed responsibility. However, KURDISH intelligence extracted confessions from perpetrators who belonged to Kataib Sayyid Al-Shuhada (KSS). The US Government has stated it believes KSS and Kataib Hezbollah (KH) carried out the Erbil attack. The Federal Register which is the Daily Journal of United States government posted a Designation on November 28, 2023, indicating that KSS is a terrorist organization.

On NOVEMBER 16, 2023, Antony J Blinken Secretary of State published a notice stating that in conjunction with blocking the property and prohibiting transactions with persons who commit, threatening to commit or support terrorism, the secretary of state determined that KSS is a foreign person who has committed… Act of terrorism that threatened the security of US nationals or the national security foreign policy economy of the United States and that KSS property and interest in property are concurrently blocked.  This means if we get judgments and find their money we may be able to attach it.

Secretary of State Blinken on November 17, 2023, indicated the department of state is designating six individuals affiliated with the Iran aligned militia group Kata’ib Hizballah (KH) as terrorists.  Iran through the Islamic revolutionary core and its external operations force known as Qods Force has supported KSS and KH another Iran aligned militia groups with training, funding and sophisticated weapons, including increasingly, accurate and lethal unmanned aerial systems.

This is the proof needed to allege and support the allegation that Iran is behind the attack on 2/15/21.  There is still much work to be done to obtain judgments and recover on those judgments. If you were injured in the 2/12/21 attack or any attack where a person died, this firm can be reached at to discuss your case.

Another point of information: These are the Dates of Deadly Attacks where it is known people died so people injured in these attacks could qualify for a terrorism claim:

1 4/7/2011 A rocket attack at Camp Victory where 2 US soldiers died

2 4/27/2011  Attack by an Afghan Pilot at Kabul airport 8 people died

3 12/5/2012 Suicide bombing by FOB Fenty killed 3 US soldiers.

4 12/21/2015 Suicide attack at Bagram Airfield where 6 military personnel died

5 3/27/2016 Gunfire at Al-Assad killed 18 soldiers

6 12/27/2019 Attack at Taji killed Newres Hamid, a contractor

7 3/11/2020 Multiple rockets at Camp Taji killed 2 Americans

8 11/21/2020 Attack at Bagram airfield killed a US soldier

9 2/15/2021 discussed above

10 8/26/2021 Suicide bomber killed 13 Marines and bystanders at Hamid Karzia  Afghanistan Airport

11 10/7/2023 Attack at Al Asad killed a bus driver

12 1/28/2024 Attack on Tower 22 on the border with Jordan killed 3 US soldiers

13 2/4/2024 Drone attacks at Al-Omar oil field killed 6 Kurdish fighters

Helping the injured is our passion and we will not be deterred. This firm has obtained millions of dollars for the injured and their families since we started our work.

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