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Articles Posted in Arrested

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Pulled Over and Arrested in Miami Dade, Broward County, or Palm Beach? Know Your Rights!

If you are pulled over or arrested in the Miami Dade, Broward County, or Palm Beach area- know your rights.  Getting pulled over is nerve wracking as many things are going through your head. It is important to stay calm and know your rights.  In order for an officer to conduct a traffic stop in South Florida, he/she has to witness the individual committing a traffic violation, witness/observe a vehicle equipment violation, and have reasonable suspicion that the individual is engaging in criminal activity. If you are pulled over for a traffic stop in the South Florida area, you have the right to refuse a search of your vehicle. However, if the officer determines that he/she has probable cause to make an arrest they will likely conduct a search of your vehicle.

If during the traffic stop the officer decides to make an arrest it is because he/she believes there is probable cause to do so. In order for an officer to make an arrest in South Florida he/she has to have probable cause. Probable cause means that there is a substantial probability that a crime has been committed and the person arrested committed it.ARRESTED-300x199

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