Insurance Bad Faith

Insurance bad faith claims are very complex, and if you think that you have one, you should immediately contact us so that it can be thoroughly investigated and explored while the evidence is fresh and accessible. Insurance companies are businesses. They are designed, created, and exist in order to make a profit. However, there are certain laws that govern how they do that. They have responsibilities and duties to their insured parties. For example, if you get into a car accident and the other side is at fault, and their insurance company does not pay your claim properly, then they may be accused of bad faith. Even more interesting, let us assume that you are the at fault party. If your insurance company does not protect your rights and assets by promptly paying the claim to eliminate it and resolve it in your favor and you are then subjected to litigation and a possible judgment in excess of the policy amount, then you have a case against your insurance company for failing to fulfill their fiduciary duty to you. Insurance companies have legal and business responsibilities. Their contract with you contains an implied promise on their part known as a covenant of good faith and fair dealing. This protects you and protects others. Attorneys Jo Ann Hoffman & Associates, P.A., have decades of experience in dealing with insurance companies and can determine if you or anyone else is the victim of insurance bad faith. This can be a case in addition to or along with the underlying personal injury case.
Remember, we take all of these cases on a contingency fee. That means that we NEVER charge you any fees or costs unless we recover monies from the defendants or their insurance companies. Consultations are always free. DON'T DELAY YOUR CASE! CALL US IMMEDIATELY! We look forward to helping you. 1-800-273-LAWS.